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The House of Alexie

Dr. Tootsie
A Young Girl's Dream
 Suzanne B. Knoebel, M.D.
Illustrated by Steven Amour
and Tom Kennard

ISBN 0-9679416-1-X

Retail Price: $12.97

Sale Price: $7.00


"Dr. Tootsie is a cute story about a young girl who grows up on a family farm, hangs out with her Gramp, and learns about life in some unusual ways, such as the time she picked up a copperhead snake and didn't get bit!

Dr. Tootsie is a great story about how life can prepare each of us for becoming anything we want to be, including following in the footsteps of our parents. On the farm, Tootsie learned many things about farm life, including the importance of life and hard work, but it was her dad's profession that intrigued her the most--thus began her lifelong study of medicine.

I highly recommend Dr. Tootsie to preteens. It's a great book that teaches children to look outside themselves and towards helping others--whether it be animal, nature, or human."

Alyice Edrich 
Editor, The Dabbling Mum

"Stephanie likes to be called Tootsie because her grandfather called her that. She read lots of stuff about being a doctor, hard books I can't even read yet. She loved animals and became a doctor like her dad. I like the illustrations in the book a lot."

MyKaela Edrich, Age 9
Child Author/Reviewer


Raised near Fort Wayne, Indiana, author Dr. Suzanne B. Knoebel learned much about the value and sanctity of life when she raised animals on her family's farm. 

Dr. Knoebel (deceased in July 2014) was a world-renowned cardiologist, Professor Emeritus at the Indiana University School of Medicine and Consultant at the Krannert Institute of Cardiology.  She was the first woman ever elected President of the American College of Cardiologists.

Dr. Knoebel felt the education she had on the farm as a child was one that she couldn't have learned in school or even in church. The rich experiences on the farm and the impact they made on her life prompted Dr. Knoebel to write this lovingly crafted novel to inspire and entertain young readers.

Stephanie, the main character in the story, is nicknamed Dr. Tootsie by her family and friends because of the special care she provides to the chickens, sheep, goats and even race horses on the farm. One day her grandfather tells her that someday she'll become a physician like her father and his ancestors before him. Stephanie is captivated by the idea of this career. It fits! But Stephanie soon realizes she must face many obstacles and personal losses before she can realize her dream of becoming a physician. 

Outside of  work, Dr. Knoeble was perhaps most passionate about creative writing and horses.  The latter interest developed as a child when she visited her grandfather's horse farm each summer.  She would accompany her grandfather to the track and he would teach her to care for and train the horses.  Later in life, she owned her own horses and raced them in Ohio, Kentucky and elsewhere.

Dr. Knoeble would be delighted today to know her books are being read by so so many children and adults.

Target reading level: 9-12 years old, Reading Grade Level: 5th. Paperback, 82 pages, Dimensions (in inches): 9 x 6 x .25, cover illustration by Steven Armour, with 16 interior line illustrations by Tom Kennard.

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